Subscription renewals

Subscription renewals

Subscription renewal happen every hour in fenerum. Once an hour we will check for all subscriptions that needs renewal.

Subscription will renew if:

  • next renewal date has passed (this means that there might be slight delay between the next renewal date and the time of the actual renewal)
  • it is not waiting for grouping with other subscriptions

Please remember

Subscription can also renew as a part of a subscription change with an Early renewal option

During renewal following actions could happen:

  • invoice could be generated and sent via configured method (see Invoice generated option on a subscription)
  • payment could be automatically collected if a payment gateway supports it
  • scheduled changes could be applied
  • new invoice webhook could be sent

During renewal following actions will happen:

  • next renewal date will update to the date of the next renewal

Start date

This is the date at which subscription will start. Before the first renewal it will be equal to the Next renewal date. If this is in the future this means the subscription is scheduled and will start after the start date.

Next renewal date

This is the date after which the next renewal will happen. If you started the subscription with yearly or monthly interval:

  • on the first day of the month:
    • the Next renewal date will always be calculated to the first day of the next month
    • for example 01.03 -> 01.04
  • on the last day of the month:
    • the Next renewal date will always be calculated to the last day of the next month
    • for example 31.03 -> 30.04
  • in the middle of the month:
    • the Next renewal date will always be calculated to that day of the next month
    • for example 15.03 -> 15.04

Renewal dates are calculated in organizations time zone. This mean that we will always preserve date and time of renewal even when DST/STD time change is happening during renewal interval.

End date

This is the date on which subscription ends. This will be empty unless you cancel the subscription.

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