Business Central


Before you can start the setup, you must ensure that all the below-mentioned prerequisites are met.

General journal

You must create a new general journal in Business Central named "Fenerum". This journal is only to be used with Fenerum to allow for a seamless integration between the two systems.

Additionally, you must enable the setting "Copy VAT Setup to Jnl." on the general journal. This setting is required for Business Central to automatically calculate the VAT for each journal line based on the VAT setup on the related financial account in Business Central.

Financial accounts

As mentioned above, the VAT setup on the financial accounts in Business Central is used to calculate the VAT for each journal line in the Fenerum general journal. This means that you must ensure that the VAT setup on the financial accounts is correct.

This is done by accessing the chart of accounts in Business Central and ensuring that a "VAT Bus. Posting Group" and "VAT Prod. Posting Group" is set on each financial account you intend to use with Fenerum.

Setting up the integration

The integration to Business Central requires installing a custom extension made by Fenerum in your Business Central environment. This extension is available for free and can be installed by your Business Central administrator.

Additionally, you also need to give Fenerum the required privileges to access your Business Central environment and company.

All of the above is described in detail below.

Upload Fenerum Extension

Fenerum has developed a custom extension for Business Central that enables the integration between Fenerum and Business Central. This integration cannot work without the extension.

The extension only adds additional API endpoints that Fenerum can use to interact with Business Central. This means that no visible changes will be done to your Business Central environment when adding the extension.

  1. Contact our support and request the latest version of the Fenerum extension (
  2. Open Business Central and the environment and company you want to integrate with Fenerum
  3. Search for "Extension Management"
  4. Click "Manage"
  5. Click "Upload Extension"
  6. Select the Fenerum extension file you received from our support
  7. Accept "By deploying this extension you.."
  8. Click "Deploy"

The extension is now being installed. You must wait until the installation completes before proceeding to the next step.

You can check the status of the installation by searching for "Extension Installation Status" in Business Central. In here, you can find the extension named "Fenerum API". This must have the status "Completed".

Add Microsoft Entra Application

After installing the Fenerum extension, you must give Fenerum permission to interact with your Business Central environment. This is done from the "Microsoft Entra Applications" page in Business Central.

  1. Open Business Central and the environment and company you want to integrate with Fenerum
  2. Search for "Microsoft Entra Applications"
  3. Click "New"
  4. Fill in the following fields:
    • Client ID: a3f2adc6-29f1-4d6d-9669-31a07df2be91
    • Description: Fenerum API integration
    • State: Enabled
    • App ID: Search for "Fenerum API" and select the latest version (if multiple)
    • User Permission Sets: Select the permission set "D365 BASIC ISV"

You have now finished the configuration within Business Central and you can complete the setup in Fenerum.

Add integration in Fenerum

Before starting the setup in Fenerum, you must ensure you have login access to an administrator within the Business Central environment you want to integrate with.

  1. Open Fenerum and go to Integration settings
  2. Find the Business Central integration in the section ERP and click "Setup"
  3. You will now be redirected to Business Central, from which you must select the administrator user to authenticate the integration
  4. Approve the requested privileges
  5. You will be redirected back to Fenerum from which you must complete the setup wizard

The integration is ready to use after successfully completing the setup wizard.

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